Live guilt-free in the ‘greenest’ home in the world

A low-carbon house for less than £250,000

Velux has launched Living Places Copenhagen, an experimental living environment built to address the building industry’s global energy consumption
Velux has launched Living Places Copenhagen, an experimental living environment built to address the building industry’s global energy consumption
The Times

You don’t need to be Greta Thunberg or Elon Musk to build one of the greenest homes on the planet. You don’t even need to be Lars Petersson, the boss of the window manufacturer Velux, who has spent three years and millions of pounds on a prototype house with the lowest lifetime carbon footprint in Denmark. You can build it yourself from products in any builders’ store for less than £250,000.

One house emits just 3.8kg CO2 per square metre a year
One house emits just 3.8kg CO2 per square metre a year

The evidence stands in Copenhagen, the World Capital of Architecture (only the second city to be so named by Unesco — the first was Rio de Janeiro in Brazil). Here, in a forgotten corner of a derelict rail yard, Velux has created the Living Places concept village, which includes two full-scale completed homes.