Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant: workers tell of torture by Russian troops

Staff at Zaporizhzhia power plant say they were beaten and shot by invaders

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station in Energodar is Europe’s largest
The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station in Energodar is Europe’s largest
The Times

They beat him as they arrested him in his apartment. Then they took him to a lock-up garage and beat him again. Next they took him to a police station, where they beat him so hard that when saw himself in the bathroom mirror he did not recognise his face.

“I had bruises and blood down my face,” said the man, who asked not to be identified. “I’d been beaten around the head and body with a rubber baton.”

Next they shot him in the leg. “They held a pistol with rubber bullets about a metre or two from my leg and fired,” he said. When the wounds healed, they would beat him on the legs so they opened up again and became infected.

Workers initially refused to help the Russians after they took control of the power plant
Workers initially refused to help the Russians after they took control of the power plant
