
Nimby Greens are hindering our clean future

It’s not only Tories blocking solar farms and essential housing — less likely parties are at it too

The Times

Rutland is not often at the centre of the political action, but a dramatic development on the county council last year says a lot about why we struggle to build either energy infrastructure or housing. The resignation of a former Tory councillor led to a by-election, which, to the astonishment of many, including the victor, was won by the Green Party candidate. The newly elected Rick Wilson, the only Green on the council, said he was “shellshocked by the result”, which he put down to his full-throated opposition to the proposal to build Mallard Pass, a giant solar farm, and 650 homes nearby. The Greens’ political programme, meanwhile, claims that “rapidly rolling out renewable energy” is one of their priorities.

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