Lisa Jewell: ‘I sold 2 million books thanks to one of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’

Since swapping chick-lit for crime, the novelist has hit the big time in the US so now splurges on ready meals and nice knitwear, she tells York Membery

Lisa Jewell once paid £1,000 for a photo of Kate Moss
Lisa Jewell once paid £1,000 for a photo of Kate Moss
The Sunday Times

Lisa Jewell has written 19 novels, including the bestselling thrillers Then She Was Gone and The Family Upstairs. She has sold more than 10 million books worldwide and been translated into 29 languages. She is 54 and lives in London with her husband, Jascha, a software consultant, their teenage daughters, Amelie and Evie, and their dog, Willow.

I withdrew £200 a week ago and have paid the cleaner twice since then — £40 a session — so I have £120 left. Paying my cleaner is the only reason I take out cash these days.

I’ve never had a credit card, although when I was young and poor I had a few store cards. I don’t like getting into debt.

Jewell bought her husband a £120 globe bar for his birthday
Jewell bought her husband a £120 globe bar for his birthday

I’m a huge spender —